Star Trek: Voyager - The Neverending Night

Chapter 5

Captain Janeway woke up to the worst headache of her life.

She opened her eyes and saw the Doctor at the side of her bed. He had his back turned to her, reaching for a device. He spoke to Janeway without looking. “Once again, you find yourself in my trappings on the brink of death, only to be saved by my not inconsequential skills as a physician.” The Doctor turned around and shined a bright light into Janeway’s eyes. His scrutinizing face hovered over her while he conducted his examination. “The next time you decide to indulge yourself in your self-serving vendetta against your own life, I suggest you pick a more convenient time to do it.”

“Status?” Janeway croaked. She tried to prop herself up on her elbows, but the moment she gained any sort of height she was hit with an intense wave of nausea. She fell back to the bed, waiting for the room to stop spinning.

“Now let that be a lesson to you.” The Doctor stated dryly. “Just lie there and be happy you’re still alive.”

“How’s the ship?” Janeway asked weakly.

“Still in one piece I presume.” The Doctor said. “I’ll inform Commander Chakotay that you’re conscious and he can fill you in on the details.”

Janeway didn’t even bother nodding, she just lay back and closed her eyes, attempting to gather herself. After a few moments, the nausea had subsided enough for her to look around the room. Sickbay was operating in low power mode. The displays were dimmed and the overhead lighting was set to minimum. There were a handful of crewmembers lying on the bio beds or seated on the floors. Some of them had radiation burns on the exposed areas of their skin which the Doctor seemed to be treating with a dermal regenerator.

Janeway slowly maneuvered herself so that she could sit up and see the entire room. Her headache had not gone away. As if that weren’t enough, she felt a throbbing sensation in the back of her neck. It was as if someone had taken a hot knife and was now shoving it into the flesh next to her spine. Janeway tried her hardest to ignore the various sensations now afflicting her body. But something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, which distanced the pain for her.

Some creature, from a species Janeway had never seen before, was crouching in a corner next to the advanced biobed. She tried to get a better view of him, but she had trouble getting a good look in the dark. “Doctor.” She said in an alert voice.

The Doctor looked up to see what had Janeway so concerned. “Ah yes, we have a little guest, as it were.”

This time Janeway forced herself to her feet, nausea be damned. The Doctor came over to assist her. He spoke in a low hushed tone. “Seven and B’Elanna found him on deck eleven. He was injured, so they brought him here.”

“Is he one of the invaders?” Janeway asked, groggily shuffling closer. As she approached, the creature slunk back into the dark, crouching underneath the biobed for cover.

“I don’t think so.” The Doctor responded. “He doesn’t seem to be hostile. Nor was he armed with any sort of weapons or technology. He’s a very timid fellow. He won’t even let me near enough to treat the injury on his leg. But the darkness does seem to calm him somewhat.”

Janeway took a step up closer to the creature. “I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway. You’re safe here.”

The creature did not respond, continuing to hide behind the biobed.

“I’ve tried communicating with him.” The Doctor continued. “He doesn’t appear to have any verbal skills.”

“He came on board with the invaders.” Janeway mused to herself. “If he’s not one of them, how did he end up on their ship?”

“I’m not sure. But I suspect it has something to do with the fact that I can’t scan him.” The Doctor said.

Janeway turned to the Doctor in surprise. “Why not?”

“I don’t know yet.” The Doctor replied. “But he seems to have some innate ability to shield himself from sensor scans.”

Just then, the creature emerged from behind the biobed. It was then that Janeway noticed that he was carrying a bowl in his hands. He crept up to Janeway, still in his defensive crouch. He held out the bowl and motioned to his lips with his fingers.

“I will say this though.” The Doctor started. “He has a voracious appetite. That’s the third time I’ve fed him in the last hour.”

Janeway studied the creature with fascination. “Use my replicator rations. Between the headaches and the nausea, I get the feeling my appetite won’t return for a while.”

From behind Janeway, she heard the swish of doors opening. She turned around to see Commander Chakotay step through. He had soot smudges on his uniform and sweat glistened off his forehead. “Glad to see you’re back on your feet, Captain.”

“For the moment, at least.” The Doctor prodded, as he moved off to replicate some food.

“Status?” Janeway asked.

“Not good.” Chakotay said. “The short of it is: the Raiders took some of our spare food, some equipment and our reserve supply of deuterium. B’Elanna has teams working around the clock getting our systems back online. She doesn’t think it will take more than a few hours. But we’ve had to reduce our power consumption even further.”

“Any leads on the ship that raided us?” Janeway asked.

“Not yet.” Chakotay responded, which Janeway sighed at.

From above, a bleep sounded from the comm system. “Bridge to Commander Chakotay.” Ensign Kim’s voice said.

“Go ahead.” Chakotay said back.

“There’s an unidentified ship approaching at low warp.” Kim reported.

“Harry, is it the same ship that radied us?” Janeway asked.

“Sensors are having trouble getting a reading through the radiation, but it doesn’t look like it.” Kim replied.

Janeway and Chakotay shared a brief glance. “Harry, take us to red alert. Get a target lock on that ship once it comes into range.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kim said closing the channel.

“Target lock?” Chakotay questioned.

“I’m not taking any chances today.” Janeway replied. “If they want to talk, they can do it from a distance.”

Janeway started toward the door, but lost her balance on the way. Chakotay managed to catch her before she fell further.

From behind her, the Doctor spoke in a concerned tone. “Captain, you’ve sustained serious injuries. You’re in no condition to return to duty.”

“Just give me something for the dizziness.” Janeway replied.

“You should stay here in sickbay until you recover.” The Doctor replied.

“Doctor.” Janeway started. “Every minute I spend here is one minute that Voyager doesn’t have.”

“I must insist.” The Doctor persisted.

“Doc.” Chakotay said. “I’ll be with the Captain the whole time. If something happens, I’ll bring her right back down to sickbay.”

The Doctor sighed and cocked an eyebrow, but in the end he relented. Before Janeway left, he loaded a hypospray and injected it into Janeway’s neck. “This should help with the nausea and dizziness.” He said. “I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do for the headache or the pain.”

“Thank you Doctor, I’ll manage.” Janeway said.

Janeway and Chakotay made their way up to the bridge. When she emerged from the turbolift, she got concerned looks from around the room.

“As you were.” She ordered and everyone’s attention returned to their duties.

Janeway internally noted that this was the first time in a long time the bridge had been fully staffed. Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok flanked either side of the bridge at the OPS and tactical stations, while Lieutenant Paris occupied the helm at the front. Janeway and Chakotay sat down next to each other in their respective chairs at the center of the bridge. For a moment, Janeway saw a small smile cross Chakotay’s face when he saw her sit down.

“Something the matter Commander?” Janeway asked.

“It’s nothing.” He replied, turning his attention back toward the viewscreen.

“The vessel is coming into range.” Kim reported just as an alert sounded from his station. “They’re hailing.”

“On screen.” Janeway ordered.

The viewscreen switched from the black formless void to an alien man sitting on the bridge of his vessel. His skin was dark grey and his black hair was slicked back in military-esque fashion. He had ridges along the sides of his neck that stretched down to his shoulders. But what really caught Janeway’s attention was the spoon-shaped impression on the center of his forehead. Janeway instantly recognized him as one of the species that originated from the Alpha Quadrant, on the other side of the galaxy.

“You’re Cardassian.” Janeway uttered, shocked.

“A Starfleet vessel.” The Cardassian man said. “I didn’t think I’d encounter one of you on this side of the galaxy.

“I am just as surprised as you are.” Janeway said. “I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway, of the Federation starship Voyager.”

“Gul Valen, Captain of the First Order warship Krebor.” Valen responded. “I’ve been tracking a ship that passed through this region of space, would you happen to have any information on it?”

“There was a vessel that just attacked us, perhaps that is the one you’re referring to. We’ve had some trouble tracking it through the theta radiation.” Janeway said.

“Ah, then perhaps we can be of some assistance to eachother. We were also attacked by the ship. However, we’ve been able to modify our sensors to compensate for the effects of the theta radiation. Perhaps, we can combine our efforts?” Valens tone was cold and calculating.

“I was thinking the same thing.” Janeway said. “Would you care to beam aboard Voyager and we can discuss our mutual experiences?”

“I would be delighted, Captain.” Valen said before closing the channel.

Janeway turned to Chakotay in disbelief, but he seemed lost in thought.

“Something the matter Commander?” She asked.

“I’ve spent a good portion of my life fighting Cardassians. I never thought I’d find myself working with one.” Chakotay replied.

“Today is full of surprises.” Janeway observed.

Chakotay drew in a breath. “It’s not over yet.” He replied ominously.

The CDS Krebor rendezvoused with Voyager half an hour later. Janeway peered at the vessel through her ready room windows as she waited for Gul Valen. It was a typical Cardassian design, roughly in the shape of the Egyptian Ankh hieroglyphic symbol. At the head of the Krebor, the bridge sat atop a halfmoon structure that was raised above the main body. The warp engines were shaped like blades, they jutted out of the sides of the forward section of the main body like wings. The hull then tapered to a streamlined tail section which ended in a double point. Janeway thought to herself that there was something odd about that ship. It looked like there was an unfinished module on its dorsal section; almost as if the Galor-class warship was in the middle of being upgraded to the much more powerful Keldon-class.

From behind Janeway, the doors parted and Gul Valen stepped through. “Captain Janeway.” He said with a slight bow of his head. Valen was dressed in the typical Cardassian uniform. The most outstanding feature of the uniform was the dark grey, triangular shaped metal plate that covered Valen’s chest. Flexible black fabric stretched out from the plate to cover his arms and lower torso. His pants and boots were similarly made of the militaristic dark grey and black fabrics. The uniform included a communications device wrapped around the wrist and the yellow lettering emblazoned on the chestplate signified his rank as Gul, which was equivalent to a Starfleet Captain.

“Gul Valen.” Janeway returned the bow and then stepped toward the replicator. “May I offer you something to drink?”

Valen considered the question for a moment. “I wouldn’t mind a cup of red leaf tea.”

Janeway turned to the replicator. “One red leaf tea and one coffee, black.” The replicator brightened and hummed in response to Janeway’s request. Soon, two steaming hot beverages shimmered and materialized into existence within the rectangular alcove. Janeway picked up one of them and handed it to Gul Valen. She kept the coffee for herself.

“So…” Janeway started as she walked over and sat down behind her desk. “Might I ask how you ended up in the Delta Quadrant?”

Gul Valen took a sip of his tea while he contemplated a response. “It is a rather monotonous and lengthy tale. We were pulled here against our will by a being known as the Caretaker.”

“Sounds familiar. How did you manage to escape?” Janeway asked, attempting to probe for potentially useful tactical information.

“It was not a simple task.” Valen said. “The Krebor was able to slip away from the Caretaker’s station, but I was forced to leave some of my crew behind.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Janeway said.

“And you Captain?” Valen asked, refusing to elaborate further.

“A portion of my crew did not survive the encounter. We made contact with the Caretaker, and I even had the opportunity to return to the Alpha Quadrant.” She said.

“Evidently, you remained.” Valen observed.

Janeway nodded. “The Caretaker’s array was about to be used against one of the native populations. I destroyed it instead of using it to return.”

“How noble of you Captain.” Valen said. He emphasized his next words, as he returned Janeway’s questioning. “Might I ask how you were able to destroy the Array?”

Janeway thought about avoiding the question, but she wanted to see how Valen would react to the information. “We employed the use of tricobalt devices to ensure the Array’s destruction.”

“I see, and do you have any more of these devices in your possession?” Valen probed.

“I’m afraid not.” Janeway replied.

“Pity.” Valen mused without further comment.

“How long have you been in the Void-” Janeway stopped herself. “Pardon me, this region of empty space.”

“The Void.” Valen let the term hang in the air. “How accurate.” He began to pace on the other side of the desk as he sipped his tea. “We were pulled into this region of space nine months ago. Survival here has been rather difficult.”

“How have you been able to conserve your resources?” Janeway asked.

“We’ve had to make some…unpleasant choices.” Valen’s words were vague. Janeway couldn’t tell if that meant he had to take action at the expense of his crew or at the expense of others. “Having encountered numerous ships here, I can say for certain that none of them are affable. Many of them prey upon the newly arriving vessels that are pulled into…”He paused as he recalled the words”…the Void.”

“Why here?” Janeway asked. “Why this region of the Void in particular.”

Valen shook his head. “For some reason, the vortexes which pull in new ships occur more frequently here. As for why that is, I do not know.”

Janeway didn’t get the sense that Valen was lying about that point. “Could it have something to do with the increased levels of theta radiation?” She asked.

Valen mulled over her question for a moment. “Perhaps.” He said. “We’ve never tried locating the source of the radiation. I try to stay away from it to conserve power.”

“Maybe after we retrieve our property from the Raider, we can investigate the source.” Janeway proposed. “It may give us a clue as to why the vortexes are more active here.”

Valen closed his eyes and shook his head. “You’re wasting time Captain. Even if we knew why the vortexes are more frequent, we wouldn’t be able to use them. They are unidirectional. Matter is pulled into the Void. Not the other way around.”

Janeway took a long swig of her coffee, then stood up. “I still think it’s worth a look.”

Valen finished the tea in one swift gulp, then set the empty cup down on the desk. “Very well.”

After Gul Valen returned to his ship, the two vessels set off on their hunt for the Raider, with the Krebor taking the lead. It only took a few hours to catch up to them.

“I’m detecting a vessel dead ahead Captain.” Ensign Kim said. “Looks like our Raider.”

“Tuvok, signal the Krebor that we’ve detected the Raider and are moving to engage.” Janeway ordered.

Tuvok responded after sending the message. “They’ve acknowledged Captain. They are engaging as well.”

Janeway nodded as she took a moment to prepare herself. “Red alert.” She commanded.

The lighting around the bridge darkened and all the displays switched from a neutral blue and yellow color scheme to a red and white one. The red alert klaxon began to sound over the comm system, signaling the heightened alert status. Voyager’s weapons were armed and its shields were increased to maximum power.

“Harry, how long to intercept?” Janeway asked.

“Less than a minute, Captain. They’re…” Kim trailed off in confusion. “…just sitting there.”

“Maybe they haven’t detected us yet.” Chakotay suggested.

“I believe I have an explanation, Captain.” Tuvok said from the tactical station. “There’s a subspace vortex forming ahead. The aperture of the vortex is directly in front of the Raider’s vessel.”

“On screen.” Janeway commanded.

The viewscreen at the front of the bridge switched to display the Raider vessel. It was only a small dot at this distance.

“Magnify.” Janeway said.

The screen flickered for a moment as it zoomed in. The Raiders vessel was clearly in view now. Janeway noted that there were several small dots of light scattered in front of it. Suddenly, a bright white swirl of energy grew out of nowhere in front of the Raider. It swelled in size as if it were the mouth of a whale about to swallow its prey. From the center of the vortex, another vessel tumbled through. right into the center of the devices. The lights from the incoming ship sputtered and died as it lost power.

“They must have deployed the same dampening field they used on us.” Chakotay said in alarm.

“Mr. Paris, bring us out of warp right on top of them.” Janeway said.

“Yes ma’am.” Lieutenant Paris said as he manipulated the controls at the helm.

Voyager and the Krebor dropped out of warp behind the Raider, just a few thousand meters away from it.

“Open fire. Disable them.” Janeway commanded.

Voyager maneuvered around to bring its main phaser array to bear. Thin bright orange beams of energy charged up and shot out in the direction of the Raider. They were complimented by a single powerful beige beam of light that discharged from the Krebor’s main phaser emitter located on its bow. The shields on the Raider lasted for only a few moments before collapsing under the barrage. It only took a few more volley’s to disable the Raider’s engines. They erupted in a small explosion which sent the ship tumbling through space.

Janeway swiveled to her left. “Harry, can you locate our equipment?”

“Yes ma’am. Looks like it’s being held in a cargo hold along with our deuterium.” Ensign Kim responded.

“Bring us alongside and beam it aboard.” Janeway ordered.

Voyager lined up alongside the Raider. It lowered its shields temporarily to allow the transporters to beam up the supplies.

“Harry.” Janeway said quickly. “What’s the status of the other-”

“Captain.” Tuvok interrupted. “The Krebor is opening fire on the Raider’s vessel.”

It only took a split second to realize what Valen was attempting to do. “Raise shields!” Janeway commanded, but it was too late.

The powerful blast of energy from the Krebor cut right through the Raider like a hot knife through butter. The ship split into two before exploding in a blaze of heat and light. The shockwave impacted Voyager. Sparks erupted from several bridge consoles as the crew was thrown to the deck. Alert klaxons began to sound from multiple stations.

“Report!” Janeway yelled, getting up from the deck and back on her feet.

“The Krebor has destroyed the Raider’s vessel.” Tuvok reported. “Damage reports coming in from all decks.”

“Can you get the shields back up?” Janeway asked, running over to the tactical station.

“Affirmative.” Tuvok said. “However, I do not believe we are the Krebor’s next target.”

Janeway turned back to the viewscreen. The Krebor maneuvered itself above the captured vessel which was still disabled by the dampening field. It held its position there for a moment.

“They are beaming supplies and equipment off the second ship.” Tuvok reported.

“Get a weapons lock on them.” Janeway ordered.

“The explosion from the Raider vessel disabled our weapon systems, Captain.” Tuvok replied.

Janeway continued to watch helplessly as the Krebor opportunistically carved up the captured ship like a roast. Dematerializing sections of the hull with its transporter, causing the atmosphere inside the vent into space. Janeway’s gut instinct was to turn away, but she forced herself to watch. Without the hull to contain the atmosphere, the crew of the ship was blown out into space.

“Hail them.” Janeway said, her voice filled with ire.

“They’re not responding.” Tuvok replied.

Once the Krebor had stripped the ship of all useful materials, it brought its forward weapons emitter to bear. The defenseless ship was destroyed in a single blast, eliminating any possibility of rescuing its crew. Then, Janeway saw something she never thought was possible. The Krebor began to cloak. It’s hull became wavy and formless as the light was dynamically bent around it. In a few moments, the Cardassian warship had completely disappeared, leaving behind the formless twilight of the Void.

